Automatic Video Segmentation Employing
Object/Camera Modeling Techniques

Dirk Farin

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Dirk Farin


Practically established video compression and storage techniques still process video sequences as rectangular images without further semantic structure. However, humans watching a video sequence immediately recognize acting objects as semantic units. This semantic object separation is currently not reflected in the technical system, making it difficult to manipulate the video at the object level. The realization of object-based manipulation will introduce many new possibilities for working with videos, like composing new scenes from pre-existing video objects or enabling user-interaction with the scene.

A prerequisite for employing object-based video processing is automatic (or at least user-assisted semi-automatic) segmentation of the input video into semantic units, the video objects. This segmentation is a difficult problem because the computer does not have the vast amount of pre-knowledge that humans subconsciously use for object detection. Thus, even the simple definition of the desired output of a segmentation system is difficult. The subject of this thesis is to provide algorithms for segmentation that are applicable to common video material and that are computationally efficient.
Summarizing, it can be concluded that segmentation techniques require the definition of foreground objects, which can be defined either explicitly using object models, or implicitly through a background model. The results of this thesis show that implicit descriptions, which extract their definition from video content, work well when the sequence is long enough to extract this information reliably. However, high-level semantics are difficult to integrate into the segmentation approaches that are based on implicit models. Intead, those semantics should be added as postprocessing steps. On the other hand, explicit object models apply semantic pre-knowledge at early stages of the segmentation. Moreover, they can be applied to short video sequences or even still pictures since no background model has to be extracted from the video.

Table of Contents (pdf)
Chapter 1: Introduction (pdf)
This chapter presents a survey of typical application areas that apply segmentation algorithms. This includes video editing, compression, content analysis, and 3-D reconstruction applications. A particular focus is on the concept of object-oriented video coding in the MPEG-4 standard. Afterwards, the requirements are defined for a segmentation system that is compliant with the MPEG-4 video-coding approach. A proposal for such a segmentation system is made and the main components are briefly introduced.
Part I: An Automatic Video Segmentation System
Chapter 2: Projective Geometry (pdf)
This chapter gives an introduction to projective geometry as far as it is required to understand the subsequent chapters. We start with defining the projective space and deriving basic operations on points and lines in it. We proceed by discussing geometric transformations in the projective plane and in the 3-D Euclidean space, including the projection of 3-D space onto a 2-D image plane. Finally, we construct a detailed model of the image formation process for a moving camera.
Chapter 3: Feature-based Motion I: Point-Correspondences (pdf)
A feature-based motion estimator comprises three steps: detection of feature-points, establishing feature-correspondences, and estimation of camera motion parameters. In this chapter, we give an introduction to feature-based motion estimation and we cover the first two steps. We provide a survey of feature-point detectors and evaluate their accuracy. After that, we present a fast algorithm for determining correspondences between two sets of feature-points.
Chapter 4: Feature-based Motion II: Parameter Estimation (pdf)
This chapter describes the algorithm for computing the parameters of the projective motion model, including the case of images with multiple independent motions. To extract the dominant motion model in this case, we apply the RANSAC algorithm. An evaluation of the robust estimation algorithm shows that  the accuracy of the results in practice is worse than expected from a theoretic evaluation. However, after analyzing this discrepancy, we propose a modification to reach the theoretical performance.
Chapter 5: Background Reconstruction (pdf)
In order to synthesize a background image of a scene recorded with a rotational camera, we first increase the accuracy of the camera-motion parameters such that long-term consistency is achieved. After that, the input frames are combined such that moving foreground objects are removed. We review some of the existing approaches and present a new algorithm for background estimation which is designed for difficult sequences where the background is only visible for a short time period.
Chapter 6: Multi-Sprite Backgrounds (pdf)
The MPEG-4 standard enables to send a background image (sprite) independently from the foreground objects. Whereas it seems optimal to combine as many images into one background sprite as possible, we have found that the counter-intuitive approach of splitting the background into several independent parts can reduce the overall amount of data needed to transmit the background sprite.
We propose an algorithm that provides an optimal partitioning of a video sequence into independent background sprites, resulting in a significant reduction of the involved coding cost. (Content of this chapter has received two best paper awards.)
Chapter 7: Background Subtraction (pdf)
We discuss the background-subtraction module, starting with simple independent pixel classification and then proceeding to more complex tests that include contextual information to decrease the number classification errors. Furthermore, typical problems that lead to segmentation errors are identified and a modification to the segmentation algorithm is provided to reduce these effects.
Finally, a few postprocessing filters are presented that can remove obvious errors like small clutter regions.
Chapter 8: Results and Applications (pdf)
This chapter describes several variants how to combine the algorithms that were presented in Chapters 2-7 into a complete segmentation system. Results are provided for a large variety of sequences to show the quality of th segmentation masks, but also to show the limitations of the proposed approach. Algorithm enhancements to overcome these limitations are proposed for future work. Finally, we provide examples for applying segmentation system in MPEG-4 video coding, 3-D video generation, video editing, and video analysis.
Part II: Segmentation Using Object Models
Chapter 9: Object Detection based on Graph-Models I: Cartoons (pdf)
Sometimes it is desired to specify which objects should be extracted from a picture. This and the following chapter present a graph-based model to describe video objects. The model-detection algorithm is based on an inexact graph-matching between the user-defined object model and an automatically extracted graph covering the input image. We discuss the model-generation process, and we present a matching algorithm tailored to the object detection in cartoon sequences.
Chapter 10: Object Detection based on Graph-Models II: Natural (pdf)
This chapter presents an algorithm for video-object segmentation that combines motion information, a high-level object-model detection, and spatial segmentation into a single framework. This joint approach overcomes the disadvantages of these algorithms when they are applied independently. These disadvantages include the low semantic accuracy of spatial color segmentation, the inexact object boundaries  obtained from object-model matching and the often incomplete motion information.
Chapter 11: Manual Segmentation and Signature Tracking (pdf)
For some applications it can be advantageous to use semi-automatic segmentation techniques, in which the user controls the segmentation manually. A popular approach is the Intelligent Scissors tool, which uses shortest-path algorithms to locate the object contour between two user-supplied control points. We propose a new segmentation tool, where the user specifies a rough corridor along the object boundary, instead of placing control points. This tool is based on a new algorithm for computing circular shortest paths. Finally, the algorithm is extended with a tracking component for video data.
Part III: From Camera Motion to 3-D Models
Chapter 12: Estimation of Physical Camera Parameters (pdf)
We discuss the problem of calculating the physical motion parameters from the frame-to-frame homographies. These camera-motion parameters represent a valuable feature for sequence classification, or augmented-reality applications that
insert computer-generated 3-D objects into a natural scene. We present two algorithm variants: the first algorithm applies a fast linear optimization approach, whereas the second algorithm uses a non-linear bundle-adjustment algorithm that provides a high accuracy. Both algorithms have been combined with our multi-sprite technique to support unrestricted camera motion.
Chapter 13: Camera Calibration for the Analysis of Sport Videos (pdf)
For the in-depth analysis of sports like tennis or soccer, it is required to know the positions of the players on the tennis court or soccer field. To obtain these positions, it is necessary to establish the transformation between image coordinates and real-world coordinates. We employ a model of the playing field to define the real-world reference coordinate system and we describe a new algorithm that localize the user-defined geometric model in an input image in order to find the geometric transformation between both.
Chapter 14: Panoramic Video and Floor Plan Reconstruction (pdf)
Previously, we have used a planar projection of the scene background. However, the most frequently-used model for panoramic images is the cylindrical panorama. Since cylindrical images are a special kind of image with geometric distortions, their contents are not always easy to interpret. Therefore, we propose new visualization technique that reconstructs the geometry of the room in which the panoramic image was recorded. Finally, this concept is generalized to reconstruct a complete floor plan based on multiple panoramic images. Additionally to the aforementioned improved visualization, this enables new applications like the presentation of real estate with virtual tours through the appartment.
Chapter 15: Conclusions (pdf)
This thesis has presented various techniques for video-object segmentation. An automatic segmentation system for rotating cameras was presented and  extended with object-model controlled segmentation and camera autocalibration. In this chapter, the achievements are summarized and it is discussed how these techniques could be enhanced in future research. Finally, interesting research directions are highlighted that may be promising approaches for future video-segmentation systems.
Appendix A: Video-Summarization with Scene Preknowledge (pdf)
For long video sequences, it is not easy to quickly get an overview of the content.
If the video content could be summarized with a collection of representative key-frames, the user could get an immediate overview. This appendix presents a new two-step clustering-based algorithm. The first stage provides a soft form of shot separation, determining periods of stable content. The second clustering stage then selects the final set of key-frames. Image content which is not desired in the summary can be excluded by providing sample images of shots to exclude.

Appendix B: Efficient Computation of Homographies From Four Correspondences (pdf)
The usual way to compute the parameters of a projective transform from four
point coordinates is to set up an 8x8 equation system. This appendix describes an algorithm to obtain these parameters with only the inversion of a 3x3 equation system.

Appendix C: Robust Motion Estimation with LTS and LMedS (pdf)
In Chapter 4, we employed the RANSAC algorithm to calculate global-motion parameters for a set of point-correspondences between two images. One disadvantage of the RANSAC algorithm is its dependence on the inlier threshold. 
In this chapter, we look at two alternative algorithms: Least-Median-of-Squares (LMedS), and Least-Trimmed-Squares (LTS).

Appendix D: Additional Test Sequences (pdf)
Appendix E: Color Segmentation Using Region Merging (pdf)
In this appendix, we briefly introduce the region-merging algorithm and present several merging criteria and evaluate their performance in terms of noise robustness and subjective segmentation quality. Furthermore, we introduce a new merging criterion yielding a better subjective segmentation quality, and propose to change to merging criterion during processing to further increase the overall robustness and segmentation quality. (Content of this chapter has received a best paper award.)
Appendix F: Shape-Based Analysis of Object Behaviour (pdf)
One example application of segmentation is to use the obtained object masks to identify the object. Since objects usually do not appear static, but perform some motion, this can also be analysed and assigned to sub-classes like "walking human", or "sitting human". We combined a classification into several pre-defined classes with a model of the transition probability between these classes over time. Having a model that describes the transitions between classes makes the classification more robust than an independent classification for each input frame.

References, Summary, and Biography (pdf)

Thesis statements (Stellingen) (pdf)

The full text of the PhD thesis is also available as PDF (60 MB, 561 pages, excluding thesis statements).

There are a few printed copies left (two books with partly colored figures). If you would like to receive one of them, simply contact me by .
